
- CJB -

Chloë is a French-Australian artist and author who lives in Sydney with her husband and their little boy.

Her abstract painting brings to life metaphysical concepts and social science issues in thought-provoking artworks. As a writer, Chloe is passionate about bringing to life philosophical poems, short stories and novels for French litterature lovers and thinkers.

Chloe draws fragments of inspiration from her daily life, such as discussions with friends, a run by the seaside, or her young son naive perspectives. She loves translaing these daily glimpses of life into vivid and poetic concepts.

Yet the worlds and characters of her novels appeared to her unannounced. Like unexpected guests for whom one would not know how to entertain. All she can do then is to let them guide her to life.

“My work aims at bringing to life observations about our world and human nature to create beauty, entertain, share new perspectives and illustrate social issues. I see art and wirting as vehicles to bring small bites of happiness, thinking, and potential breakthroughs to feed one’s wondering and path to fulfillment.”


I was born in Morocco, grew up in Provence, in the south France, and moved to Australia in my twenties.
As a kid, I loved writing and illustrating short stories, and researching relationships between numbers. And, as many of us, I was fascinated by the infinity and mysteries of our universe. I started getting serious about it.

One day I asked my dad what job I could do to relate to stars.
“You have two options, he joked. You can either be an astrophysicist, or a poet”. I obviously went after the only option education allowed: sciences. It took me more than 20 years to realise that the second option was actually the right one for me.

This is how I followed a traditional engineering and business education, and pursued societal career goals from launching a start up to working as a strategic consultant for McKinsey.
On the side, I was collaborating with international authors and researchers on behavioral economics and happiness research projects.

One breakthrough leading to another, I recognised that a major fulfillment of mine lied in sharing perspectives through art and philosophy. I finally understdood why, since childhood, I have always wanted to “relate to stars”. To keep dreaming. This is all about beauty, mystery, hope and sense making.