

  • Chaos, series Rebirth
    Acrylic on canvas
    70 x 50 cm
    May 2022

  • Real size print on white paper
    50 x 70 cm
    Printed on demand

    AUD 75

  • A6 format print 10.50 x 14.80 cm
    Print on white paper 300 g/m2
    1 print weight 4.66g

    7 AUD

Before it all started, before there even was an universe, there was formless matter. In the absence of rules and order, matter was so unpredictable as it appeared completely random. The slightest change in conditions created a revolution.

Yet, if there had been human eyes to witness the early dance of matter, they would have found enough patterns and sense to invent a whole world.

 How do you make sense of what you see?

What is the story you chose to live?