Feelings and Spirituality
Choice of a soul
Choice of a soul, series Feelings and Spirituality
Acrylic on canvas, x4
40.6 x 30.5 cm
March 2022 -
Real size print on white paper
40.6 x 30.5 cm
Printed on demandAUD 85
A6 format print 10.50 x 14.80 cm
Print on white paper 300 g/m2
1 print weight 4.66g7 AUD
I saw white souls floating in a sea of ether,
Waiting for their turn to land down on earth eart
One of them was purposely standing in between two egg cells,
Undecided which one she would choose to channel
I heard two others fighting over a new body they both wanted to occupy
- How handsome he was! Probably the cutest on supply
The youngest soul of all was so ambitious and wild
That she broke herself into parts to fill in three bodies at a time
I witnessed a greedy one breaking into a body before birth
He got halved, while she vanished away from earth
The last soul I talked to had experienced so many lives
She had let go of her ideal and settled with whatever fate could provide
When I’m one of them again, I’ll look for a body with a brain…

- Qui es-tu, et d’où viens-tu ?
- Je suis un venant, venant de nulle part
- Nul ne part sans venir auparavant
- Je suis une âme nouvelle, vierge de tout corps
- Tu déchanteras vite après quelques morts
- Je reviendrai à mon point de départ, je deviendrai revenant
- Une âme infâme qui ira hantée les survivants ?
- Une âme d’expérience, qui habitera les errants