Thoughts in Action
We are creatures of emotions. Emotions come from thoughts.
Beautiful thoughts, terrible thoughts.
Empowering thoughts, tenebrous thoughts.
Thoughts we can’t control.
Cradled by the waves, travelling with the wind.
If we can’t control spontaneous thoughts, can we elevate them?
If we change the meaning we attach to a nostalgic memory, can we turn a cry into a smile?
How to reclaim control of our thoughts and unfold our emotions?
State of a down
State of a down, series Thoughts and Actions
Acrylic, rope and ballons on canvas
45.7 x 61 cm
December 2021 -
Real size print on white paper
45.7 x 61 cm
Printed on demandAUD 85
A6 format print 10.50 x 14.80 cm
Print on white paper 300 g/m2
1 print weight 4.66g7 AUD
Reading keys
Imagine the sea level as the threshold of positive emotions. Boredom is floating at the surface; a peak state elevates the mind, stretching it towards the stars; depression sinks it in cloudy depths.
Thoughts are like balloons, flying everywhere, blown by the wind.
Thoughts can change our emotions within a second.
Let’s go through a thought itinerary followed by the mind. Sequential thinking, tied like a rope between two weights. Weights of thoughts.
This is a warm Sunday afternoon. C. is lying on the sofa, uncertain what to do. Between boredom and laziness, her body seems as heavy as her mind.
Then she remembers. These last few days there was an exciting perspective that constantly energised her when she recalled it. This only thought is enough to cheer her up in this instant. Her eyes wide open, she lets out sparkles of joy that were hiding deep inside.
She starts digging deeper. What was this thought again? As soon as she remembers it, her ascent towards the moon (or is it the sun?) is suddenly aborted. That’s it. She had booked everything up to go on an adventure. But the whole thing fell over. Her friends let her down. And down she feels.
Recollecting this thought has now made her feel worse. She is left with nothing but a deep, heavy cannonball in lieu of thoughts. Darkening a blue sky that she can’t get to see anymore.
Thoughts are like balloons, flying everywhere, blown by the wind, carried by the waves.
Are they really?
Explore continuous thinking. Free thoughts, guided by the mind, along a trail of stars.
What if C. took control over her thoughts? What if she blew away all the clouds that obstruct her mind ? And what if she chose a new itinerary for her thoughts to flourish? Seeing the benefits in disguise from her adventure falling over; or thanking her body for carrying her mind anywhere it decides. She may reach for the stars, all the way to other moons. And suns.
Projection d’un instant disparaît celui d’après
Entraînant l’esprit dans un fond sans espoir
Un état vaguement négatif
Appelle le souvenir d’une projection positive
Cette pensée fugace suffit à se réjouir
Mais quelle était-elle avant de s’envoler ?
Elle est là, la voici, la voilà, je la tiens
Et sitôt retrouvée, déçoit, et s’éclipse