
Mind loves spinning faster and faster in the midst of uncertainty, stress and anxiety.

Every new problem may seem as an dead end with no escape.
Until experience builds confidence that, whatever comes up, it will resolve.

Every new obligation that piles up in the mind and crowds it until it bursts, overwhelmed by its own circling and looping thoughts. Until we crack the code of the maze to break the endless circle of old thoughts and find a spiralling way out towards renewal.


  • Whirlmen, series Rebirth
    Acrylic, acrylic markers and mirroring paper on canvas
    90 x 90 cm
    June 2022

  • Real size print on white paper
    90 x 90 cm
    Printed on demand

    AUD 115

  • A6 format print 10.50 x 14.80 cm
    Print on white paper 300 g/m2
    1 print weight 4.66g

    7 AUD

They eye of the cyclone may be the calmest place to be. But it is also the hardest place to find and to stay in as the storm moves. The safest way to escape its disorientating spinning may be to move away from it. And watch its stunning dance from the distance.

When we step back away from the centre of our negativity and we finally separate from our mind to look at its busy thoughts from a distance, then our entire horizon starts to broaden.

When we move away from the eye of our torments and reach the edge of our own mind, then the wheel of life seems to slow down.

On this distancing path, as the spinning seems less and less dasing, we get more comfortable. Confidence builds up. We dare more. Making audacious moves. Releasing fears.
Naturally welcoming uncertainty.

Up to the point to forget we are spinning. Movement becomes seamless, imperceptible. Momentum spiral us away from obstacles. The path ahead seems like a straight and cloudless highway.